Friday, January 23, 2009

Pajiba Love 10/28/08


What's Even More Annoying Than Sarah Palin and Smells Like Whore?

Pajiba Love / Stacey Nosek

Remember how Paris Hilton did that video on Funny or Die with Adam McKay and it was self-aware and snarky and hilarious? Yeah, well she had to go and ruin it. Of fucking course. (WIMB)

And it other Paris Hilton news, they are literally putting her into a rocket and sending her away from the Earth. I am not making this up. (Celebitchy)

And here are ten other whores porn stars who have run for public office. Really? Ten? (YBNBY)

Oh man... Poor Chris O'Donnell. But this is fuckens hilarious. (It's Chris!)

It's a little known fact: I am actually trained to immobilize a man using nothing but a spork and good old fashioned moxie. (QuizLaw)

Since there was a base stolen during the World Series last night is giving away free tacos today from 2-6PM. (FreeTacos)

Was there a conspiracy involving the weather situation for the World Series? I've got a conspiracy for you: how 'bout God is pissed off because he doesn't get a free taco? (Galley Slaves)

You know have exactly one week to go find one of these fantastic signs to display in your yard. (Deus Ex Malcontent)

Gwen Stefani has egg all over her entire body. (IDLYITW)

Recently Dustin was inquiring about toddler Halloween costumes. What better way to show off our little bundle of joy than to dress him or her as something that you throw in boiling water or something that makes fart noises? (mental floss)

MTV has launched a website where you can watch nothing but music videos. I can't believe people didn't think of this like 25 years ago. (SlowlyGoingBald)

Cindy Crawford totally nails Amy Winehouse. But not in the way where she walks away with a contact high and Staph infection. (Yeeeah!)

Curse you, Stuff White People Like Guy! Once again you have made me feel like a chump for liking something that I like. (STWPL)

Remember the Budweiser "Wazzup" guys? Well, the years haven't been kind to them: (Thanks, Pissboy!)

Pajiba Love brought to you by Stacey Nosek, who can be reached via email here.


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