Monday, May 26, 2008

Kevin Spacey Gives It To Hannity

Nothing gladdens my News Hounds heart more than someone unapologetically facing and standing up to bullyboy Sean Hannity. During an appearance on Hannity & Colmes last week (5/22/08), actor Kevin Spacey pointedly ribbed Sean Hannity, particularly over his complaint that Spacey's upcoming HBO movie, Recount, ridiculed. Alan Colmes promptly asked Spacey if he'd sit in for him sometime. With video.

Spacey made a couple of gentle digs at Hannity before they started talking about Harris. But Hannity was in suck up mode and never jumped on Spacey the way he had with the more respectful political science professor, Caroline Heldman, the previous week.

Hannity remarked that everyone who had seen Recount seemed to find it fair except for one thing. "There seems to be a caricature, an unfair caricature of. Why?” he asked.

Spacey replied, "Did you watch her on television?"

Hannity said he had and that he liked Harris.

"Well, I think then this would actually be underplayed," Spacey quipped.

Colmes laughed heartily.

"Why are you being mean?" Hannity asked.

"I’m not being mean," Space quipped.

I don’t get HBO so I can’t see the film but Harris certainly did behave like a caricature during a memorable appearance on Hannity & Colmes shortly after she announced her (failed) candidacy for the senate.


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