Saturday, May 31, 2008

Scott McClellan Knifes the White House

="scott mcclellan.jpg" src="" width="418" height="342" class="mt-image-none" style="" />

This is my next read. It's overdue -- and I'm sad to see that McClellan basically waited all of this time to tell his story. He should have gotten word to Patrick Fitzgerald that Libby and Rove were coordinating their Valerie Plame stories.

But the worst is even more confirmation that George W. Bush wasn't just hoodwinked by neoconservative zealots on Iraq. I have known that for a long time -- but to hear it yet again, Bush's role in pumping out the propaganda to sell the war -- is heart-ripping when one considers all who have died on all sides of this conflict and those too who have been physically and psychologically maimed.

McClellan confirms what Council on Foreign Relations President and former senior Bush administration official Richard Haass and many other national security experts have said about Iraq being a "war of choice":

"History appears poised to confirm what most Americans today have decided: that the decision to invade Iraq was a serious strategic blunder. No one, including me, can know with absolute certainty how the war will be viewed decades from now when we can more fully understand its impact. What I do know is that war should only be waged when necessary, and the Iraq war was not necessary."

And John McCain wants to keep it going. . .

-- Steve Clemons


Thursday, May 29, 2008

McClellan Comes Clean

In what can only be characterized as a cleansing of his soul, Politico today broke the exclusive that former Bush mouthpiece, a once-frequent subject of this blog, has penned a tell-all. And we hear it won't be pretty for his former puppeteers.
"The eagerly awaited book, while recounting many fond memories of Bush and describing him as “authentic” and “sincere,” is harsher than reporters and White House officials had expected."
You have to give McClellan credit for eventually telling it like it is after three years of spinning it like it isn't. We're still waiting fo Mr. McClellan's first PR boss at The White House to fess up after deceiving the nation into war, among other things. Ari Fleischer's book was just an extension of his misguided years serving a corrupt administration.

Conversely, the title of McClellan's book tells it all: What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington’s Culture of Deception (Public Affairs, $27.95). In it:

• McClellan charges that Bush relied on “propaganda” to sell the war.

• He says the White House press corps was too easy on the administration during the run-up to the war.

• He admits that some of his own assertions from the briefing room podium turned out to be “badly misguided.”

• The longtime Bush loyalist also suggests that two top aides held a secret West Wing meeting to get their story straight about the CIA leak case at a time when federal prosecutors were after them — and McClellan was continuing to defend them despite mounting evidence they had not given him all the facts.

• McClellan asserts that the aides — Karl Rove, the president’s senior adviser, and I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, the vice president’s chief of staff — “had at best misled” him about their role in the disclosure of former CIA operative Valerie Plame’s identity.

By contrast, when some star-struck PR group invited Mr. Fleischer to New York to promote his book to a sold-out gathering of PR lemmings, I was tempted to remind him that PRSA's code of ethics mandated resigning a client if the client knowingly lied. What did he think about that? (I held my tongue.)

McClellan, to his credit, finally comes clean, sort of, but only after the Bushies unceremoniously cut him loose.
I had allowed myself to be deceived into unknowingly passing along a falsehood,” McClellan writes. “It would ultimately prove fatal to my ability to serve the president effectively. I didn’t learn that what I’d said was untrue until the media began to figure it out almost two years later."
Huh? He didn't learn that what he said was untrue until the media began to figure it out almost two years later. Hmmm. Highly dubious.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Kevin Spacey Gives It To Hannity

Nothing gladdens my News Hounds heart more than someone unapologetically facing and standing up to bullyboy Sean Hannity. During an appearance on Hannity & Colmes last week (5/22/08), actor Kevin Spacey pointedly ribbed Sean Hannity, particularly over his complaint that Spacey's upcoming HBO movie, Recount, ridiculed. Alan Colmes promptly asked Spacey if he'd sit in for him sometime. With video.

Spacey made a couple of gentle digs at Hannity before they started talking about Harris. But Hannity was in suck up mode and never jumped on Spacey the way he had with the more respectful political science professor, Caroline Heldman, the previous week.

Hannity remarked that everyone who had seen Recount seemed to find it fair except for one thing. "There seems to be a caricature, an unfair caricature of. Why?” he asked.

Spacey replied, "Did you watch her on television?"

Hannity said he had and that he liked Harris.

"Well, I think then this would actually be underplayed," Spacey quipped.

Colmes laughed heartily.

"Why are you being mean?" Hannity asked.

"I’m not being mean," Space quipped.

I don’t get HBO so I can’t see the film but Harris certainly did behave like a caricature during a memorable appearance on Hannity & Colmes shortly after she announced her (failed) candidacy for the senate.


Friday, May 23, 2008

A special message from Slick Rick thanking Governor Paterson for Non-Deportation

Yo, here's a statement from (Rick Walters) thanking Governor Paterson of New York for preventing his deportation, check it out: "My family and I are eternally thankful to Governor Paterson, my attorneys Michael Krinsky and Craig Kaplan at Rabinowitz, Boudin, Standard, Krinsky & Lieberman and to all of the people who have supported me throughout the past seventeen years. This has been

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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Vigil at the Top

Photo by Annisa Lam (former member of Stock.exchng)
Licensed photo DO NOT COPY

Currently I am keeping the following in my thoughts & prayers:

-----The family and friends of Maria Sue Chapman (daughter of). Maria was only 5 and died in a tragic accident this week.
-----Another Terri Schiavo-like case. This has been no where near as long, she is not brain dead,not on respirators or anything like that and had a baby after her injury. Her name is Lauren Richardson. Terri Schiavo's brother speaks about Lauren's case

-----Kristy Dykes, author and fellow blogger,has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. Recently, the doctors said that she only has months left and she is being cared for by seems that she is getting sicker VERY quickly. Kristy is being very brave. I encourage people to leave supportive comments on her blog...for Kristy and her family/loved ones.
-----Heather is fighting very hard against brain cancer.
-----Patrick Swayze is fighting an aggressive cancer. Contrary to initial reports, his physicians say that he has a good chance of least, it is optimistic. Unusually titled, but pertinent, article chronicles "Patrick Swayze's Butt Problems" ( I never thought I would be typing something like this in my Vigil list...I hope that he kicks butt-both the illness and the cigarettes). Patrick has gotten through his third round of chemo. There is a couple in Indiana that is campaigning for access to a treatment that may cause the masses involved to shrink (and thus, eventually, be cured).
-----A beautiful baby named Kayla passed away after a valiant struggle with cancer. On her Myspace there are details of various campaigns on her behalf for Childhood Cancer Awareness/Research/Cures...please visit.
-----Jenny Lloyd, a little girl who has a rare disease where she can be literally scared to death
-----The family and friends of Lorraine Allard. Lorraine passed away after delaying cancer treatment in order to give birth to her son.
-----That Madeleine McCann is found soon. A new sketch of a suspect has been released.
-----Dustin, a little boy who died after choking on one of his Christmas toys.
-----Heath Ledger's little daughter...who will grow up without her Daddy. :-(
-----This restaurant cracked and had to be demolished....yes, you read that right. The restaurant was the owner's livelihood and he was not able to retrieve anything from the building.

This post is in no particular order. Prayer/thought requests just go to the top as I hear more about what is going on. If you can think of a way to help these people, PLEASE do so.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Angelina Jolies Slays Pets and Shirts

angelina_jolie_topless_1.jpgYou might think that writing CelebNewsWire is all rainbows and sunshine, hobnobbing with luminaries like and Pia Zadora, pink champagne toasts and freebie gift bags and invites to nightclubs in Dubuque. And you'd be right, of course, but there's also a sinister side to the glamour. And that's the moral dilemma that comes up when we're faced with posting pictures of an internationally beloved star famed for her philanthropy in a state of undress, pregnant yammos visible and obviously taken by some creepo paparazzo with a serious zoom lens.

When such a situation comes up, we usually hem and haw and weigh the pros and cons and then say screw it and post the pics because we have a weak moral fiber and because we don't want Lily Allen's cooch to be the only Sexy Lady Story of the day. After the cut, Angelina Jolie boobies!

Saturday, May 17, 2008


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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Top 5 Stylish females in the business!

Now I'm serious!! I'm Seriously back!
It all started with motivation and I followed it up with planning. I have a plan and I have a schedule. The schedule is posted on the right hand side.
Here is my first post.

My inspiration came from my best friend @ along with E Entertainment TV with their never ending top something lists...
So, I thought about who I consider to be the top stylish female celebrities.

1. Sienna Miller- Can anyone dispute this? I would love to hear your objections if you have any. I think Sienna Miller is fashion forward, not afraid of fashion, and super comfortable in her own skin. That's why she looks great even with a plastic bag on.

2.Jennifer Aniston- She can never do any wrong! She's elegant, simple, classic, and crisp with a slight girl next door vibe.

3.Jessica Alba. She has a young hip allure with super kool accessories. I always love her bags, her hats, her boots and the flats. But, what I love the most are THE SCARVES!!

4.Eva Mendes- What I love and adore about Eva Mendez is her down to earth aura. Her imperfection make her perfect and beautiful. Who can deny it? She's curvy and she's real. I fell in love with her on Hitch and then found more reason to like her, she's sexy and uber stylish.

5. Jessica Biel. Her body alone can get her in the top five stylish crew. But, I don't discriminate like that! I think her style is relaxed and chameleon-ish. She adjusts to her surroundings quickly. This is a fab quality that not everyone has.

Some other female celebrities were considered for this post....
Reese Witherspoon..
Katherine Heigl.
Gwen Stefani

Enid P. "Dare to Dream"

Who are your top 5?


Saturday, May 10, 2008

The bit has flipped

All of a sudden, the mainstream media has decided that Hillary Clinton can't win the Democratic nomination:

While I think this is a sensible view, I am baffled as to what triggered it. Yes, Obama got more delegates from the North Carolina and Indiana contests than Clinton did. That's pretty much what everyone expected to happen. We didn't really learn anything new. What were people expecting? That Obama would somehow melt into a puddle of sludge? Suddenly, people are on television talking about delegate math and how it's completely impossible for Clinton. The blogosphere (including this blog) has been saying that for weeks. Did Matt Drudge finally look at a delegate count spreadsheet, setting off a mainstream media stampede towards a new common wisdom? Was there some back room deal where media bigwigs told Clinton, "OK, we'll pretend there's a race for now, but if Obama isn't struck by lightning before March 7th, we're ending this charade."?

Who knows. But I feel proud that Internal Monologue got this around March 10, while it took all the highly-paid famous people much longer to come to the same realization. Go blogosphere!

P.S update: Obama 90.4, Clinton 8.5.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Beyondjazz radioshow :: 2008-04-29 - Here Goes Treble

Author: Lensco
Subject: 2008-04-29 - Here Goes Treble
Posted: 2008-05-06, 6:49 pm (GMT 1)

The sun is in town and made me procrastinate, so hereÂ?s last weeks playlist. With quite a bit of cdr action and other spankinÂ? new nuggets Beyondjazz should satisfy the thirsty for fresh notes and beats. Also introducing the Here Comes Treble compilation, of which youÂ?ll hear a lot more in the coming weeks...


Recloose - Red Road - Loop
Arch_typ - Slide Technique - Bagpak
Eric Lau - Free It Out - Ubiquity
Ayah - I Reminisce - cdr
The Politik - Feel It (Mixed Moods Remix) - cdr
Karizma - Hip Hop - cdr
The Roots - Rising Up (ft. Chrisett Michelle & Wale) - Def Jam

Ino Hidefumi - Spartacus - Innocent Record
Maddslinky - Aztec Mystic
J.A.M - Master Of The World - Victor
Tristan Banks - Lucky 7 - cdr
Soulphiction - Darkest Berry - Sonar Kollektiv
Chris Barker - Breakin Bread - Treble O

Break SL - Robur - Philpot
Greymatter - I Wish You Knew ft. Emma Brammer (Souled Vocal Remix) - Unique Uncut
Charles Webster - I'm Falling - Peacefrog
2 Banks Of 4 - Shadowlands (Season & Sygaire Remix) - cdr
Yellowtail - North One - Fountain Music
Andre Zimma - M.U.S.I.C. (Atjazz Floor Dub) - Swedish Brandy

Alton Miller - Tell Me - Left of the Dial
Ayro - Bounce - Groovia Sound Project
Cartridge - Planet Zero - Treble O
Nubian Mindz - Sellouts - Bagpak
Recloose - Robop - Loop
Beyondjazz radioshow - Lensco design - Vinyl for sale


Thursday, May 8, 2008

Laura Fay Is N.Y. Rep. Vito Fossella's Baby Mama


First Eliot Spitzer, now Vito Fossella - these N.Y. politicians have been making lots of booty calls lately. Staten Island Republican Representative Fossella, who is already facing a drunken driving charge, admitted on Thursday that he had an extramarital affair with former Air Force lieutenant and that the two of them have a 3-year-old daughter together.

Fossella, who was pulled over on May 1 while driving with a blood-alcohol level more than twice the legal limit, faces a mandatory jail sentence if convicted. The arrest had already threatened to end his ten-year career in the House, where he is the only Republican representing New York City.

In a statement Fossella said, "I have had a relationship with, with whom I have a three-year-old daughter. My personal failings and imperfections have caused enormous pain to the people I love and I am truly sorry. ... Over the coming weeks and months, I will to continue to do my job and I will work hard to heal the deep wounds I have caused."

Fossella and his wife Mary Patricia have three children.

Looks like he and Eliot Spitzer will have lots of time on their hands to spend commiserating over bottles of gin.




Wednesday, May 7, 2008

DC Madam Commits Suicide - Little Mention Of Republicans Involved

Shocking news out of Tarpan Springs, FL, near Tampa Fl, where the so called', Deborah Jean Palfrey had killed herself, hung herself in her mothers shed.

If Democrats names had been mentioned this would have been a huge story on Fox.

Instead it was mentioned that Louisiania Senator, David Vitter, (R) had apologized to his constituents for his serious sin and Randall Tobias, former Deputy Securtiy of State had resigned last April because he had used her services for massages.

That was it. Now all is wiped clean. Deborah Jean Palfrey is dead and these men have apologized and resigned but they are still alive and I would imagine that there isn't much of a case left.

Comments: Normally on Fox, (as was noted by the Wright story), a story like this (if it was about Democrats) would go on forever. Instead it got a couple of minutes on Studio B.

Is there more to this story than is indicated? Was she pressured? Notes have been found on the victim, but the contents have not been released.


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

`Miracle' Marine dies; badly burned in 2005 Iraq blast - (Online Article)

`Miracle' Marine dies; badly burned in 2005 Iraq blast By The Associated PressFri May 2, 8:37 AM ET A Marine sergeant who became a symbol of resilience as he strove to recover from a roadside bomb blast in Iraq that blanketed 97 percent of his body with burns has died, the Defense Department said. He was 22. Sgt died April 11 at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, where he was continuing treatment for the injuries he suffered in combat on Feb. 22, 2005, the Pentagon said Thursday. The former turret gunner was dubbed the "Miracle Man" for his determination in facing his wounds, which cost the former saxophone player his fingers and rippled his face with scars. He endured more than 40 surgeries, spent 17 months in a hospital and had to learn to walk again. Meanwhile, he started a charity, Merlin's Miracles, to aid child burn victims and considered college and a career. "Sometimes I do think I can't do it," he told The Associated Press last year. "Then I think: Why not? I can do whatever I want. ... Nobody has ever been 97 percent dead and survived, and lived to walk." Born in New York City, German moved to its suburbs as a teenager. He enlisted in the Marine Corps in September 2003, according to his charity's Web site. He was medically retired four years later, the Defense Department said. German had been stationed at Camp Pendleton, Calif. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger announced that the state Capitol's flags would be flown at half-staff in German's honor, saying the sergeant's "courage and unfailing loyalty serve as an inspiration to Americans everywhere." ___ On the Net: Merlin's Miracles:

Friday, May 2, 2008

Driven To Suicide For a Victimless Crime

In prostitution, everybody involved gets something they want. It's a victimless crime. That doesn't stop cops and prosecutors from going after it anyway.

From the AP wire:

TARPON SPRINGS, Fla. - A woman convicted two weeks ago of being the "D.C. Madam" hanged herself Thursday, apparently making good on her vow never to go to prison for running a high-end Washington prostitution ring. The body of Deborah Jeane Palfrey was found in a shed near her mother's home about 20 miles northwest of Tampa.

That's not even the first one:

One of the escort service employees was former University of Maryland, Baltimore County, professor, who was arrested on prostitution charges in 2006. She committed suicide in January before she was scheduled to go to trial.

So, two women driven to suicide when prosecuted for a victimless crime. Way to go, dickheads.


Thursday, May 1, 2008

Let the conspiracy theories begin: DC madam found dead in FL

CNN reports:

(CNN) &#8212, known as the “D.C. Madam,” was found dead in Florida Thursday, according to Tarpon Springs police.

Palfrey hanged herself in a storage shed on her mother’s property where she had been staying, according to a police statement. Palfrey’s mother, 76-year-old Blanche Palfrey, found the body, police said.

“Blanche Palfrey had awoken from a nap and began to search the residence for her daughter,” the statement said. “When she went outside, she noticed a three-wheel bicycle had been moved that was normally kept in the shed.” The older woman then saw her daughter’s body hanging from a metal beam under the shed’s roof, police said.

“The mother’s obviously distraught,” said Tarpon Springs police Capt. Jeffrey Young. “This is the hardest part in any type of situation like this, when you have a suicide. It’s all the victims that are left behind.”

In an earlier statement, police said, “handwritten notes were found on scene that describes (sic) the victim’s intention to take her life, and foul play does not appear to be involved.”

The Pinellas County Medical Examiner’s Office will determine the cause of death, police said.

She gave a few warning signs in the weeks and months prior:

Palfrey was convicted last month in connection with a high-end prostitution ring catering to Washington’s elite.

She was found guilty April 15 of money laundering, racketeering and mail fraud and faced a maximum 55-year prison term at her sentencing, which was scheduled for July 24.

Prosecutors estimated she would have received a sentence between 57-71 months, about six years, because of sentencing guidelines and other factors that would have been taken into account.

“I’m looking at 55 years in a federal penitentiary and at my age that is virtually a life sentence,” Palfrey told CNN Radio in March. “Realistically we estimate between 8 and 15 years. I’m also looking at the complete forfeiture of my entire life savings and work.”

Palfrey told ABC News last year she would never return to prison, after serving time in the 1990s for other prostitution-related charges. “I sure as heck am not going to be going to federal prison for one day, let alone, you know, four to eight years.”

Here’s more from that ABC interview:

In an interview last year, Palfrey vowed to fight the federal prosecutors who brought the charges against her. “They just destroy you on every level, financially, emotionally, psychologically,” she said, but still she refused to accept any deal they offered.

In the interview, she contrasted herself with Brandy Britton, a woman who once worked as a prostitute — apparently for a time with Palfrey’s service, Palfrey’s phone records reflected — who committed suicide after charges were brought against her.

“She committed suicide because of the police and the prosecutor,” Palfrey said then, arguing that prostitution should be legal because the prosecutions are more harmful than the business itself. “They, they had to push it, in the name of justice. I’d like to know what justice they’re talking about.”

Even though it’s pretty clear this was a suicide, I’m sure there will be no shortage of conspiracy theorists on the left who will allege Palfrey was murdered because she “knew too much” about Republican “extracurricular activities.” Already, you’ll find that some on the left feel that Palfrey was a victim of a modern day “persecution” and “stoning” by an overzealous Republican justice department (sound familiar?).

Whatever. Let them have their conspiracy theories. My only reaction to this story is one of sympathy for the mother, who found her daughter hanging and dead, which is an image I’m sure she’ll live with for the rest of her life, one she’ll never get out of her head. I also weep for Ms. Palfrey. A model citizen she certainly wasn’t, one can only guess as to the level of internal emotional agony - and perhaps guilt - she felt. Obviously had to be high for her to feel like her family and the world would be better off without her. What all goes through the minds of those who kill themselves, right before they pull the trigger or kick the chair from under them or slit their wrists? I can only imagine, and it gives me such an intensely sad feeling, because all I can think about is the last gasps those people take, sitting in a room all alone thinking they have no hope, no future, and that no one loves them.

My deepest sympathies and heartfelt prayers go out to her mother.


The Life of an NBA Coach: Don't Step on a Landmine!

In general, professional sports are ruthless when it comes to hiring and firing coaches. But nothing holds a candle to the NBA. Don't get me wrong the NFL and MLB are tough, but the NBA is downright cut throat.

And it needs to stop. This is not right. This is not just.

Two prime examples stick out to me the most: Sam Vincent and. Both coaches were recently fired, and frankly, I believe they were mistakes.

Exhibit A: former Charlotte Bobcats coach Sam Vincent

One year ago Vincent was the talk of North Carolina as UNC grad Michael Jordan recently hired him to be the new coach. Vincent was going to the next best thing to coach in the NBA, but MJ seemed to think it was time to part ways with Vincent after one year.

That's right, after one season Jordan felt a new guy was needed. Correct me if I am wrong, but Jordan has not had was you could call the most "stellar" NBA front office career so far. Wouldn't you think that giving your team's coach needed, I don't know, more than one year to show his potential? I mean one year? That's absurd.

Sure Charlotte went 30-52, but I do believe it was the franchise's best record ever and believe it or not the 'Cats finished a mere 7 games out of the 8th and final Eastern Conference playoff spot.

I don't get it. I would think that MJ would realize getting a solid basketball team is not a quick fix solution. So why Jordan, why fire your coach after one season?

Exhibit B: former Dallas Maverick coach

It is the 2006 NBA Finals and it is Game 3 between the Dallas Mavericks and Miami Heat. Dallas currently leads the series 2-0 and is up by 13 with about 6:40 remaining in the game in Miami. Before long it should be 3-0 Dallas! The trophy will be heading to the Texas city in no time!

Then Dwyane Wade came alive and just like that Miami stormed back to win the game...and the next three games.

The Mavs would never be the same.

Ever since the losing the 2006 NBA Finals Dallas seems to be taking more and more steps back. Last year the team was a league best 67-15. As great as their record was the Mavs were manhandled in six games by the 8th seeded Golden State Warriors. Flashforward to this year where Dallas is struggling midseason. The team makes a blockbuster trade for Jason Kidd, yet in the the end same result: first round series loss in 5 games to New Orleans.

the coach of the Mavericks during the city's up and down times was brought in for Don Nelson as the coach who would lead Dallas to promised land (well, he got halfway). The coach was a star in the making, yet in such a short amount of time that all changed. Johnson is unemployed for the wrong reasons.

Cuban, like Jordan, got frustrated and in my opinion will not get a better coach than he had in Johnson. Dallas lost something inside themselves when Miami defeated them. Something that no matter how hard Johnson pressed on would not change in his players. For one, it seems Dirk is universially now known as a flake come playoff time.

Did Cuban get it right firing Johnson for back-to-back playoff exits? I, honestly don't think so. Sure you can say, "Dallas wasn't going anywhere!" But, to be frank I think that has to do with the players on the team. Cuban will find out in a hurry that he had a good coach in Johnson who just needed some time to get over the hurdle...and when he does Cuban will be kicking himself for letting him go in the first place.

Two first round exits are bad, but keep in mind this year Dallas was going against the 2nd seeded team in the New Orleans Hornets. When you look at's three years it really can be seen that in fact his "failures" were nothing more than blown out of proportion situations.

Note is going to get snagged by someone. Here's my shot in the dark: LA Clippers. Also, reports are saying that Larry Brown is headed to Golden State to coach the Warriors....

in two years...